
Collecting Camp Coconuts

Collecting Camp Coconuts

The soft early morning sea breeze on my face, the first rays of the sun peeking over the horizon, the majestic call of the rooster as he announces the promise of a new day – all of these are perfectly acceptable ways to wake up whilst camping - having a whistle blown in your ear at 5.30am however is not; yet this was the reality I faced as tired, confused, and with the shrill whistle still ringing in my left ear, I clumsily untangled myself from my mosquito net, and headed in the dark, to the fale kaupule to see what all the fuss was about...

The Almost Naked Chef

The Almost Naked Chef

Looking to add a Pacific flavour to your culinary repertoire, then look no further than this 'traditional' Tuvaluan recipe.  To fully appreciate the culinary delights Tuvalu has to offer, I invite you to turn up that thermostat, take that shirt off, and follow this recipe to experience the true taste of Tuvalu…well sort of.