
Sleeping in the Desert

Sleeping in the Desert

I leapt inside as quickly as I could hastily zipping the door up behind to try and avoid a tent full of sand, only to realise that I had been beaten to it - the inside of my tent now resembled a child’s sandpit. I did my best to sweep all the sand into the bottom corner, only to discover it returning quicker than I could get rid of it. It was everywhere!

Discovering the Meroë Pyramids

Discovering the Meroë Pyramids

We headed back towards the road, and peered through the orange haze in the hope of spotting what, on a clearer day, should have been easy to see.  As we neared the strip of tarmac, we began to see unusual geometric lines in the distance, standing out against the natural shapes and curves of the surrounding landscape suggesting that something man-made was slowly appearing from the dust; and sure enough after a few more steps we began to see the familiar outline of a pyramid…