Berlin Wall

Photo Blog: Berlin Graffiti

Photo Blog: Berlin Graffiti

For a city synonymous with walls, it’s little wonder that graffiti abounds in Berlin.  Part political satire, part art instillation, part humour and youth in revolt, Berlin’s graffiti is many things to many people.  This post features a selection of some of those pieces which caught my eye.

A Sunny trip to see North Korea...

A Sunny trip to see North Korea...

In the balmy summer of 1989, there were two major global events taking place which would change the course of modern history as we know it.  The first was a chain reaction of radical political changes,  including the liberalisation of the Eastern Bloc’s authoritarian systems and the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet governments, leading to the destruction of the Berlin wall; and the second, occurring a little further west, was my 4th birthday party where I was enjoying not only an excellent bouncy castle, but also that most coveted of childhood birthday accoutrements – a caterpillar cake.