
A is for Accommodation: (Part Two – Hostels and Hotels)

A is for Accommodation: (Part Two – Hostels and Hotels)

Welcome to the next instalment of my journey into the different types of accommodation you might encounter on your upcoming trip of a lifetime.  Part Two is all about staying in hostels and hotels, how to find them, what are the pros and cons of each one, and how to make the most of them when you get there…

Why I Love...Overland Bus Travel

Why I Love...Overland Bus Travel

Loud, uncomfortable, rusty, dangerous, and slow; local buses typically don’t have the best reputation when it comes to a reliable choice of adventure transport.  However, given the choice between a busy and ramshackle public bus, or a spacious, air-conditioned private one, my heart will only be drawn one way…towards the more exciting and adventurous option…

A is for Accommodation: (Part One - Wild Camping)

A is for Accommodation: (Part One - Wild Camping)

Shelter is a fundamental part of human existence, and it is as varied as the humans who need it to survive.  At its most basic, accommodation is a simple shelter with a couple of barriers from the wind and something to keep the rain off. This blog post is dedicated to the more basic style of accommodation, looking at wild camping and free accommodation options, to hopefully convince you that you don’t always have to stay in a hostel or bed and breakfast whilst out on the road…

The A to Z of Adventure Planning

The A to Z of Adventure Planning

Have you been thinking about taking a trip, but don’t really know where to start?  If so then this blog post might just be for you!  The following certainly isn’t a complete compendium of how to plan a trip, and I definitely don’t claim to have all the answers, not by a long way, but I have planned a few trips in my time, so I hope that the A-Z of Adventure Planning might give you an idea of the sort of things you might want to consider when beginning to plan your own adventure, however big or small it might be… 

Top 5 Things to do in Khartoum

Top 5 Things to do in Khartoum

Khartoum is a fascinating city which sadly doesn’t often get a look in as a potential travel destination.  Fortunately, this is beginning to change, and in the last few years Sudan has witnessed a significant increase in tourism. With more and more people heading to its capital city to explore and discover it’s hidden delights, here’s my top 5 list of things to do in this off the beat travel destination.