
The A to Z of Adventure Planning

The A to Z of Adventure Planning

Have you been thinking about taking a trip, but don’t really know where to start?  If so then this blog post might just be for you!  The following certainly isn’t a complete compendium of how to plan a trip, and I definitely don’t claim to have all the answers, not by a long way, but I have planned a few trips in my time, so I hope that the A-Z of Adventure Planning might give you an idea of the sort of things you might want to consider when beginning to plan your own adventure, however big or small it might be… 

The Danakil Part Two: Salt of the Earth

The Danakil Part Two: Salt of the Earth

The first thing we saw to break to beautiful monotony were the camels; there were hundreds of them all relaxing out in the sun, so well adapted for this oppressive environment that they barely batted a long-lashed eyelid at the baking sun, which, despite the early hour, was already pushing the mercury well into the 40s.  If camels are the ships of the desert, then donkeys are the sort of raft you’d expect from a particularly awkward team-building day, and the lack of shade was clearly getting to these poor beasts of burden, desperately trying to utilise the bulks of the camels for their own personal parasol...