
Tofa to Tuvalu...

Tofa to Tuvalu...

And so we left Tuvalu, banked right, and headed south towards Fiji giving those of us lucky enough to have a right side window seat an utterly spectacular view of the island I had become to call home.  As the strips of turquoise and emerald sailed past, no longer were they nameless, generic, tropical beauties, instead, they now had names, they had a history, a future, they had individual features, and story to tell. 

Holy Coconuts on Easter Island

Holy Coconuts on Easter Island

When meeting most foreign dignitaries it is rarely advisable to engage them in conversation about war,  killing people with a bow and arrow, or pee, but apparently if you decide to spend Easter Sunday on a tiny islet in Funafuti then this is exactly what happens…

Would you like a cup of tea?

Would you like a cup of tea?

Sharing a cup of tea with a fellow Englishman, is arguably one of the most normal things you can do.  However, sharing a cup of tea with a fellow Englishman at 3 in the morning on a massive Fijian cargo ship, towering above Tuvalu, whilst watching a total lunar eclipse, I hope you agree is a little more unique.

That 'Friday Feeling'

That 'Friday Feeling'

Since arriving in Tuvalu over two weeks ago now, our staple diet has been fish and rice (or cassava if we’re feeling fancy!) the fish is exotic, fresh, delicious, and cheap and the rice is…well rice, and if I’m honest, a little dull.  Since arriving we have had two apples each which were brought as a present as they are hideously expensive – being imported from New Zealand as they are, and other than that, the closest we have got to fruit or vegetables is the odd onion, tinned coconut milk, and the seaweed that we see floating in the lagoon.